Carol singing under the tree at new years eve. Waterford Male voice choir singing carols under the tree Christmas Eve 3pm.

Rotary Christmas Tree Appeal
In support of Waterford Hospice and Waterford Solas Centre
Christmas 2024
will be the 27th
Year of this appeal.
Over €500,000 raised for Waterford Hospice and Solas Cancer Support Centre

Rotary Memorial Tree
In support of
Waterford Hospice
and Solas Cancer Support Centre.
The Tree will be adorned by bows this Christmas, remembering thousands of memories and brightening the winter skies of Waterford. We ask you to donate any amount you can to support the work of Waterford Hospice and Waterford Solas Centre.
2024 Christmas will be a Christmas like no other.
Christmas is a special time of year - founded on togetherness, family, love, sharing with friends. So much of which we have been unable to do this year.
We kindly ask you to support this campaign and give what you can through our donation page.
Click on the SPONSOR A MEMORIAL BOW button above
Write a memorial message to a loved one
Pay any amount to support Waterford Hospice and Waterford Solas.
VISIT the Tree in John Roberts Square and write a bow, make a donation under the tree - Starting on Saturday Nov 16th.
Visit one of our outstations, Ardkeen Quality Food Store, Supervalue Hypercentre. Waterford Shopping Centre Lisduggan and Supervalue Tramore. Write a bow and make a donation.
UPMC Whitfield will also host a tree and donation station Starting End November.
We will have QR codes that you can scan with your phone. Look out for the posters / banners at your local supermarket.
In 1998 the first Christmas Memorial Tree appeal was established by the Rotary Club of Waterford to help raise funds for the development of a 20 bed Hospice facility on the grounds of Waterford Regional Hospital. To date the initiative has raised over €400,000 towards Waterford Hospice and Solas Cancer Support Centre.
As well as raising much needed funds in Waterford for two great causes, the Memorial Tree Appeal provides people with a means of remembering their loved ones in a dignified and meaningful manner. The Memorial Christmas Tree at John Robert’s Square in Waterford City has become synonymous with the celebration of Christmas in Waterford and is now a central feature in Winterval, Ireland’s largest Christmas Festival.
If you want to be part of this project, why not call in and get a ribbon at the Memorial Tree in front of Supermacs in John Roberts Square where the Rotary Christmas Hut will be manned by Rotarians and supporters every weekend from November 18th and daily from December 8th until our annual Carol Service at 2:30 pm on Christmas Eve. We also have collections at Supervalu Hypercentre (Dec 9th & 9th), Waterford Shopping Centre Lisduggan (Dec 15th & 16th), Quish's Supervalu Tramore (Dec 15th) and Ardkeen Quality Food Store (Dec 15th).
This year for the first time, UPMC Whitfield will host a Rotary Memorial Tree in the hospital foyer, offering patients, visitors and staff the opportunity to support the appeal. Members of UPMC Whitfield’s retired staff volunteer group ‘Na Cairde’ will be selling the ribbons throughout the festive season at the hospital.
Alternatively you can donate online via our new online module! Just click the button above.
On behalf of Waterford Rotary Club and Waterford Hospice I would like to sincerely thank all our Rotarians, Supporters and the many many contributors to our project.
I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas
Club President: Brian Tynan