Rotary Classic Film Night
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when the next one is on
International Committee Annual Film Night
Rotary Film night
Omniplex cinema
Classic film night - Our annual film night - inviting friends and prospective members to attend a fun movie night with some wine and friendship - with some current updates about Rotary.
We look forward to another fun night out with Friends of Waterford Rotary Club.
Contact us on info@waterfordrotary.org
Waterford Rotary Clubs Annual film night in support of our international charities has taken place almost every year since 1998. Over the last three years we have changed the event from a film premier to a classic film night. Our last event Novemeber 2013 was Some like it hot starring Marilyn Monroe.
Click on the links below to learn more about where our international committe funds raised go to
Belarus Dental Appeal - founded by Dentist Dr Donal Tully