About us

The Rotary Club of Waterford, Ireland is a very active club with dedicated members working on many projects throughout each year. We meet every Monday except Bank Holidays in Tower Hotel Waterford, Ireland at 1.00pm until 2pm. We are a very friendly bunch and love to give a hearty welcome to visiting Rotarians.
Waterford Rotary Club will be taking a summer break for the month of August 2014 - and will return to lunch again on Monday 1st Sept 2014.
We hope to continue one evening meeting per month from Sept 2014 onwards - but these still have to be decided.
(Note - we trialed Thursday meetings from March until July 2014 and have now decided to return to our usual lunches on Mondays 1-2pm.)
Waterford Rotary Club Founded in 1968

Some of our founding members
From Right
Maurice Downey, Jim Mc Grath and Kurt Kraus with 2008 Club president Orm Kenny.
Celebrating our clubs 40th Birthday
Céad Míle Failte
Both Jim and Kurt passed away in 2011 and 2013 respectively. Both were founding and lifelong members and wonderful contributers to the club. May they rest in peace.