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Belarus Dental Project

Chernobyl Aid Ireland Ltd


Waterford Rotary Chernobyl Dental Aid Project.


10 year anniversary


Founding Members were Mr Edward Mc Bride and Dr Taigh O Carroll in 1997. They approached Waterford Rotary telling them about the work of Chernobyl Aid Ireland and the desperate need for dental service in the orphanage in Gorsovo.


Dr Donal Tully – then President of Waterford Rotary in 1997 saw this project as a worthy and challenging project for Rotary and one which he as a dentist had both ability and contacts to help set up some dental services in Grosovo.


In 2001 Rotary Waterford donated £7,500 towards setting up a Dental clinic in the orphanage in Gorsovo. The school has 150 students, ages 7 – 18. Belarus has a total population of some 11 million. Grosovo is located some 3 ½ hr flight from Shannon, and 80Km form Minsk (which has a population of 2 million).


Further funds were received from Dawn Meats, the Irish dental association, the Dublin Dental association and some private donations.


Liam Grant, working as an Ambulance Driver for Waterford Regional Hospital took on the logistics and management of the project. He has travelled there some -------- times.


In ---------- a team of 34 workers comprising of plasters, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, labourers, cooks and five Dentists from all over Ireland went to the orphanage to set up the new clinic.


The funds raised were used to build new toilets, showers, kitchens, new class rooms, new dormitories, new windows, the entire school replastered, dry lined and generally made much more comfortable.


Pupils, staff and villagers were all treated over the 7 day week that the dentists were there. In total some -------------- patients were seen in the one week. The Local paediatric surgeon Dr Igor was used as an interpreter. Many dentists have since then been out many times. Dr Patrick Creedon, the chief dental officer from Waterford has been out some 17 times since the first visit now 10 years ago.


The children come to Ireland over summer and Christmas. Many of them now speak good English.


The Chernobyl Aid team are now looking at selecting a candidate for third level university grant. One suitable girl has been identified. She would be supported throughout her studies. Due to the expanding needs of the school and the village the team are also assessing the option of building a second dental surgery to cope with the demand. A donor Dental equipment company has already been approached.

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